20 years ago, new products appeared in the market every year and disruptive changes in the market happened every decade. Now new products appear in the market every month and disruptive changes in the market happen every year. What will happen in 10 years from now?
Agile make sense in a context where organisations need to develop adaptation capabilities to deliver products more often and customised customer’s needs. Experimentation-based product development frameworks help us solving this problem, but In 10 years from now that won’t be enough.
We all know some players that drastically changed the rules of the game for all the other players such as Netflix, AirBnB, Uber and Lime. I believe that In 10 years from now this disruptive changes in the market will happen every month and organisations will need to develop resilience. Resilience will allow organisations to be ready to frequently overcome extreme changes in the market and reshape for the new conditions faster. Disruptive change simulation frameworks will help us solving this problem.
In this workshop, we’ll study the theoretical foundations that justify this evolution and analyse the elements that will help organisation being extremely resilient. Furthermore I will present, with hands-on exercises, a model for organisations to increase resilience and a framework to simulate disruptive changes in business domains.
The framework is an iterative Crisis-Simulation approach that actions:
- a positive, creative and collaboration-driven culture to overcome the unexpected;
- organisational structures that can be triggered to exit from chaos such as swarming and Cross-domain community structures;
- and practices based on Scrum, design thinking and open space technology. This approach is can be understood as a practical application for the Chaos domain and the yellow dynamic of Cynefin.
As a result of the application of disruptive market change simulations, organisations will not only be more ready for unexpected market disruptions but also come up with disruptive innovations themselves.